Join Our Online Sermons

We are a family that Loves and believes in the Truth of the word of God under the Pastoral Leadership of Doreen and Geoffrey Kamese. Please connect with us through our various platforms below.

The Final Lap - Victory is Now - 29th Sept 2023

He Says, “In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD Almighty


Victory is Now - DAY FOUR 28th Sept 2023

“Where there is a sign, there is victory” –  Pastor Doreen. God is doing it, trust that He is.


Victory is Now - DAY THREE 27th Sept 2023

The March onto victory continues through intensified Prayer.

Click and watch. #VictoryIsNow

Victory is Now - DAY TWO
26th Sept 2023

Day Two of our Victory is Now series. 

“Learn to trust God” 

Victory is Now - DAY ONE
25th Sept 2023

We kick start our weekly series of #VictoryIsNow.

We are running towards the finish line this victory week. Enjoy

Special Sunday Service with Pastor Ivan from Hong Kong, China

We were glad to host Pastor Ivan and His wife from Hong Kong, China.

We are blessed to learn more about being “Mighty Warrior”

Altar Service - 20th Sept 2023

Pastor Doreen Kamese encourages us to “Take refugee in God”.  Psalms 31:1ff  God is our hope

Sunday Service - 17th Sept 2023

Pastor Doreen Kamese teaches us on how to trust God in this season. Numbers: 6: 24-26. “You must not give up until the battle is over”

Click and watch

Pastor Henry Ssegawa

In this weekly Altar service, Pastor Henry teaches us how to protect our Birthed “Child” birthed through prayer.

Enjoy this powerful revelation of the word. #VictoryIsOurs

Sunday Service - 10th Sept 2023

In this Sunday service, Pastor Henry Ssegawa digs deep into the powerful word that teaches us to keep put trust in God as we pursue God’s victory. 


Altar Service - 8th Sept 2023

This prophetic word by Pastor Doreen Kamese assures us to keep our hopes in God no matter what.

God is able #VictoryIsOurs

Altar Service - 6th Sept 203

Pastor Henry Ssegawa Ministers in a powerful revelation. 

Click on play and listen.


"Be Encouraged" with Pastor Doreen Kamese

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Altar Service)

In these times, be encouraged that God is there and seek him only. He has the power and authority and he will deliver you.

"Trust in God, Everything has a beginning & an end"

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Sunday Service)

This verse serves as a reminder to trust in God’s divine plan, even in times of uncertainty or difficulty, knowing that He is orchestrating all events and will bring them to their intended culmination.

1 John 1:1

"Word of life"

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Altar Service)

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life

Jeremiah 29:13"

"Hide yourself and Seek the Lord with all your heart"

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Altar Service)

By hiding in God’s presence and seeking Him wholeheartedly, we can experience His guidance, protection, and the fullness of a relationship with Him.

"Seek God, You will find Him."

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Sunday Service)

This Bible verse encourages individuals to pursue a personal connection with God through prayer, meditation, studying scripture, and engaging in spiritual practices. This verse reminds us that God is not distant or elusive but is accessible to those who earnestly seek Him.

"Return back to God."

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Altar Service)

This concept of returning to God implies acknowledging our need for His forgiveness, guidance, and restoration. It highlights the invitation for humanity to reconcile with their Creator and find purpose, fulfillment, and eternal life in Him.
Psalms 139:10"

"Even there, God's Hand will guide you"

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Altar Service)

In these times, be encouraged that God is there and seek him only. He has the power and authority and he will deliver you.

Join Our Online Sermons

We are a family that Loves and believes in the Truth of the word of God under the Pastoral Leadership of Doreen and Geoffrey Kamese. In 2004, conception of The Way to Heaven Church (now) started with a small fellowship of believers (three people) who used to meet in Kasubi a Kampala suburb. In 2009, the fellowship was growing and started to meet in Ntinda.

Psalms 139:10"

"Even there, God's Hand will guide you"

Pastor Doreen Kamese (Altar Service)

In these times, be encouraged that God is there and seek him only. He has the power and authority and he will deliver you.

"Trust in God, Everything has a beginning & an end"

Pastor Doreen Kamese
(Sunday Service)

This verse serves as a reminder to trust in God’s divine plan, even in times of uncertainty or difficulty, knowing that He is orchestrating all events and will bring them to their intended culmination.

1 John 1:1

"Word of life"

Pastor Doreen Kamese
(Altar Service)

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life

Jeremiah 29:13"

"Hide yourself and Seek the Lord with all your heart"

Pastor Doreen Kamese
(Altar Service)
By hiding in God’s presence and seeking Him wholeheartedly, we can experience His guidance, protection, and the fullness of a relationship with Him.

"Seek God, You will find Him."

Pastor Doreen Kamese
(Sunday Service)

This Bible verse encourages individuals to pursue a personal connection with God through prayer, meditation, studying scripture, and engaging in spiritual practices. This verse reminds us that God is not distant or elusive but is accessible to those who earnestly seek Him.

"Return back to God."

Pastor Doreen Kamese
(Altar Service)

This concept of returning to God implies acknowledging our need for His forgiveness, guidance, and restoration. It highlights the invitation for humanity to reconcile with their Creator and find purpose, fulfillment, and eternal life in Him.

“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”

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“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”

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(+256) 702 285163

© 2023 – The Way To Heaven Church. All rights reserved.

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